Sunday, December 30, 2012

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

It's Christmas!

We had a great time Christmas Eve at Gramma Carols! We dressed Luke up in his suit (because i didn't think it would fit by the time easter rolled around). He wore it for a little bit, but then the shoes came off, then the socks, then the shirt got untucked, and well, it lasted for a short time. But we were able to grab some shots!
Then we woke up to a white christmas on Christmas day! We quickly put together Luke's table and he started baking us some cookies! He kind of understood how to open the presents - he would make a tear, then lose interest. But he does love his gifts!
This was Luke's present to us that he made at daycare!

Monday, December 10, 2012

How crazy is that?

Luke and I decided to go to Happy Foods to do some grocery shopping so that we could see the decorations. We were in for quite a surprise! They had a petting zoo set up in the parking lot! We didn't wait in line to pet the animals, but we had a lot of fun talking to the camel!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Feelin' good!

Luke's been a little under the weather with ear infections lately - but he seems to be feelin better today!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving was a lot of fun! We spent Thursday with Gramma Cassandra and Grandpa Charles and Auntie Myesha.

Then on Saturday, we ate more turkey with Gramma Carol, Uncle David and Auntie Ann and Maggie, and Uncle Jimbo! Luke loved listening to everyone play instruments!

Monday, November 19, 2012

First....Night Out!

Charles and I went out to a big industry event last thursday called AICP (Association of Independent Commercial Producers). It was the first time we went to an event together since parenthood!

First Haircut!

We took Luke to Pickle's Playroom this weekend for his first haircut! He was such a good boy and sat so still in the little airplane seat. He is so handsome!

Playing at the Park....

First Birthday!

Luke is 1 year old! I want to say that it flew by, it did in some ways, but it does some like forever since those first few weeks when we were figuring out how to take care of him! Luke dressed up as superman for his party. By the time it was time for cake, he had just about worn himself out! When we sang to him, he smiled and looked around at everyone.
Good times.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

He's a walkin', yes indeed!

He's been taking more and more steps without falling - he's pretty much got his balance! so exciting! He can't quite stand up without hanging on to something - but thats next!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

For a greener future...

Luke says, "Install CFL bulbs, wash your clothes in cold water, drive a fuel efficient vehicle...preserve this world...for the future..."

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Fun at the park!

Luke and I stopped off at the park on our way home the other day - he had a great time on the swing and waddling around.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Luke says hi....again!

Luke's firsts words are uh-oh (yet to be captured on film) and, of course, hi! We had him going for like 20 minutes the other night during dinner. It's so crazy to hear his voice speaking words!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Just hangin out....

Just hangin out, hangin out....hangin out with my family, havin my self a paaar-tay!

And for my next trick...

Luke has taken to standing on his own for a few seconds - it's been hard to catch it on film but here is a glimpse of Luke in action!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Poppy Time!

Poppy and Gramma Nancy visited Chicago at the beginning of September and had a chance to meet Luke! We all had a great time getting together - especially Luke! Here's a few of the stills that just flew by in the video:

Where is my iPhone5?

"I've been waiting here for 3 days now and I really need a diaper change...where is my iphone 5?"

Tuesday, September 4, 2012