Monday, April 23, 2012

Luke Rolls Over!

News Flash! Luke rolled over today (Apr 22nd, 2012)! He did it once, then again, then again, and this is the fourth time! We are so proud of him!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Luke talkin' up a storm!

Luke woke up the other day and was talking and talking going on and on. Here is a little snippet. I hid the camera so that he didn't get distrated. Check out Luke's superfly gear in this pic too!

Look ma I'm doin it!

Oh my gosh look who's sitting up!!!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Like my new hat?

It doesn't have ears, but I still think it looks pretty cool. What do you think?

Thursday, April 12, 2012

They just keep comin'

Luke's First Easter!

We searched high and low for a suit for Luke, but could not find one. But what I did find in the closet is the beautiful hand knitted outfit that Steve and Martha gave us. I was so happy we didn't find a suit because this was sooo much cuter!

Gramma Carol gave Luke a new book of Lullabyes.

Homemade Kolacky cookies - Yum! I need to get the recipe!

Everybody do the Luke!

World Peas for Easter

In honor of world peas on Easter, Luke tried peas for the first time. He was interested at first....

Excited about the prospect of a new food...

And then confused....he ended up eating them all and they are now a part of his food repetroire. Next up Pears on Saturday!

More Luke Jokes...

Hangin' out with mommy and daddy

Monday, April 2, 2012

5 months old!

Luke is getting bigger and bigger everyday. We went to the park recently on one of those 80 degree March days.

Luke is soakin' in the sun.

And doing some tummy time with dad.

We went over to Gramma Carol's house for Jimbo's 6th anniversary of his 30th birthday. Silly Luke! We eat the birthday CAKE not the birthday BOY!

He had a great time with Auntie Kami!

Luke really likes his rice cereal. I wish I could say the same for sweet potatoes....maybe he'll like apples or peas...

And here are a few pics from early on that are too cute not to post. This is curly head Luke after his bath.

Luke using the force.

Luke's dramatic squirrel impression. He made this face all the time when he was just born.

Luke traveled back in time to Ancient Rome with part of a program for infants called "Be Cesear for a Day". He demanded that everyone have lots of milk and cookies.