Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Xmas eve

We hung out - played imaginary sword battle with a long box and the cardboard from wrapping paper. Listened to Christmas carols - mainly Seth macfarlane's new Xmas album. Charles and Luke played a rousing game of 'the moores centennial annual industrial commercial car show'. Then we put out a brownie and milk and a note for Santa and read night before Christmas. So. Awesome. Can't wait for morning :)

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Luke's Jingle Bells

A friend of ours graciously gave us his son's drum set that he wasn't using anymore. We got some drumsticks yesterday and gave it a whirl. Here is Luke playing his favorite christmas carol. This is audio only - I didn't want to disract him too much with making a video...

Note: His unique method (some refer to it as "minimalist") requires only 1 drum stick - and allows him more freedom to move around and dance while he drums)